La Mia Famiglia

La Mia Famiglia

Just a tad about me

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God's child. Nick's wife. Roman, Dallon & Rocco's mommy. These are the things I would never change.

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Monday, December 29, 2008


Dreams are so weird. You can't control the dreams you have. I could write movies from my dreams. Seriously, scary movies. Maybe it's because I like to watch scary movies, but I haven't seen one in a while. I have these dreams that someone is chasing us (it's always a group of us). My 8yr old has never seen a scary movie in his life and he has them sometimes too. He just came down thismorning and woke me up because he had one. Resting on God's Word is comforting. No matter how we 'feel' God's truth remains the same. 2 Tim 1:7 says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love & of a sound mind." Isn't that awesome?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

From Where I Sit

Ok, this is new to me. Looks fun enough. I enjoy Myspace & Facebook, so why not?! I Still haven't figured out how to get the picture bigger. One step at a time..

As we start this new year I am running over millions of things in my head. Prioritize & Simplify is the theme I have settled on. I don't usually have a theme but this sums it up this year. I laugh at myself though because starting a blog doesn't really fit into that. So we'll see how it goes and if I stick with it. One of my co-workers gave me a gift for Christmas that DOES fit right in with my new plan, a daily journal. A long time ago (two kids prior) I used to write my prayers. It worked better for me because my mind is always wandering to what needs to be done. Writing prayers kept me focused. I used the acronym ACTS - Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication. I am going to start that again, using my new journal. I am also signed up for a bible study beginning 1/7 @ FBCH called Esther. So these are a few of the things running through my head. The others are things like 'I need to find an entertainment center & over stuffed chair for the living room', 'I need to finish painting the inside of the house', 'I need to pursuade Nick to replace the floors now that we can afford it', 'Nick also needs to either put up a fence or I'm going to hire someone', 'and when is he going to fix the bathroom he gutted August of 07', 'I need to ebay some items, or maybe craig's list', 'I wish someone would buy Gammy's house so she can have her own place', 'I don't want to be fat anymore, I want the old Becky back. The people I know now have no idea I haven't always been like this. How did I get like this?' Anyone else have these sorts of thoughts??I certainly don't mean to sound unhappy, I am so happy, overall. I have a wonderful husband and three beautiful boys that I love more and more each day. Praise God!