La Mia Famiglia

La Mia Famiglia

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God's child. Nick's wife. Roman, Dallon & Rocco's mommy. These are the things I would never change.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

American Idol Disappointment

So I was telling this friend of mine yesterday that I saw him Tuesday night on American Idol TWICE, in the crowd. He said he was actually on there three times, I missed one. I asked him if he actually tried out. He said not only did he try out, he got FOUR Yes's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said well what happened? Did they just not show your audition? You know sometimes they don't show the ones that make it through. He said that after he got his yellow ticket they took him in to a room to review his profile and ask him questions. After that they told him that he was too wholesome and this would be the end of the journey for him. They took back his yellow ticket and sent him to ANOTHER room where they explained the importance of not discussing this part of the audition process. They also told him that they would not be showing his audition. Guess I shouldn't have been surprised...Hollywood...sheesh... (And yes, I totally believe this friend of mine.)

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