Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2009 Thoughts & Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...
Rocco went from size 2T to 4T.
Roman still loves to snug buggle his mommy & have me walk him to class.
Dallon loves God's Word & knows more of it than I realize.
Nick's one semester in to his Master's degree.
Rocco has a whole other life that he talks about regularly. "When I was a big man_____" or "When I was a little boy_______" CRACKS US UP!
Gammy is on oxygen.
There is a whole slew of people from my past I have no recollection of. (Facebook)
I believe God knows who will be saved & who won't. After all, He is omniscient.
Some disagreements with friends can not be overcome. And this makes me very sad.
We are selfish and we have to consciously overcome that.
Crock Pot Lasagna is the best!
You can survive without an oven 4 1/2 months as long as you have a stove top, microwave, grill & crock pot.
Seaworld is no fun on cold wet days.
There are black bears in Orlando, Florida.
Church attendance is important if you're serious about your relationship with God. Not just attendance but service too. It's Biblical.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Thank you Lord)
Marriage is tough but rewarding all at the same time. Ditto for parenting.
St. John's Seafood has good fried mushrooms. Even if they are the canned ones..yum
A lot of women feel the same self conscious, paranoid thoughts of not fitting in that I feel.
There are friends waiting to be made.
Redbox will give you free codes if you ask for them.
HE Front loading washers & dryers are not all they're cracked up to be.
Not having a car payment feels really nice. And it even helps when I'm embarrassed to be driving a Lumina that looks like it was involved in a hit & run, because it was. Thank God for that Lumina.
My 5th grade teacher, Ms. Beckham, was right, I'm too sensitive.
Loved ones can be lost in an instant but worrying about that is sin. Knowing that God is in control is trust at it's best.
Six & Nine year olds can help with the laundry & scrubbing toilets.
Believers usually have two Spiritual gifts, sometimes more, never none. But it's not OK to write off being low in any of them.
There is a wealth of knowledge in the Godly, older women around me that isn't being utilized.
God wants us to pray boldly asking for what we want.
Hamsters bite
Jellyfish stings can reactivate several days later and be a horrendous experience.
Quality hair products do make the difference.
Getting up a half hour earlier saves me from a lot of morning stress.
It's not my job to worry about what other people are doing but it is my job as a believer to encourage them in the right direction. Figuring out how to do the second part without the first part is the hard part. (I need to be encouraged to.)
Rocco likes to kiss me 'top & down' which means he starts with his mouth open & closes it just in time.
There are tons more that I'll think of as soon as I click 'Publish Post' but that's all I've got for now. Bring on 2010!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Dallon's Potion Maker & Rocco's Bendaroos
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Day
Happy Birthday Jesus!!
The cookies had been eaten & the milk was gone too! Each boy had a gift waiting from Santa!
Roman got the Pokemon trading cards he asked Santa for! And surprisingly enough, he knew which ones to get, even though Roman didn't tell him!
Dallon got the potion maker he asked Santa for! (Whew!! Glad he knew where to get one of those!)
Rocco wasn't sure what he wanted but Santa brought him a Storm Shadow (GI Joe) costume because he just knew he would love it!
Roman & Dallon received air pellet machine gun/pistol sets from us as their 'big' gifts. First they opened the safety goggles, then the BBs, very confused at this point. Then they understood it all when they opened the gun sets. Here is a picture of Roman wearing the goggles & Dallon looking at him like he's wondering what 'they do'. (Rocco's opening his Bendaroos.)
In this one they're wondering why they got BBs.
Then finally!
Rocco received a bike from us as his 'big' gift.The boys gave Daddy Gator shirts. We got a GREAT deal at JC Penney the day before! Two for $9.99! Thanks to my $10 off $10 purchase coupon.
And who can resist taking a picture of these cuties? (Dallon's piglets)
Daddy bought Rocco a real tool set because he is Daddy's little helper! (We removed the razor knife.)
Dallon using his new Disney Flix Camera/Movie Maker.
The rest of the day we lounged around in our new PJs. (Gammy bought some for me.) Most of our family is far away so we relax, no running around for us. No make up, no hair fixing, etc. We did cook prime rib, mashed potatoes, green beans, croissants & apple pie. YUMMY!!!
Mirandos' Monkey Bread 2 cans of your favorite biscuits (I use Pillsbury Butter Flaky Grands) 2 sticks butter melted in a bowl 1c sugar with cinnamon powder stirred in until brown **Optional - 1/2c pecans or walnuts Preheat oven to 350, grease a bundt pan Cut biscuits in fourths. Dredge biscuits through butter then coat liberally in sugar/cinnamon mixture. Place pieces in bundt pan until all pieces are coated. Bake 35-45 minutes depending on your oven. When done the bread will be risen & darkened on the top. **If using nuts dredge them through the butter then place 1/4c in pan before bread then again midway through. Carefully turn out on to a cake plate & serve right away with milk.
Christmas Eve
Before bed the boys have to put out cookies for Santa. Since we had given away (and eaten) all of the Monster cookies we made, we had to use the peppermint Oreos in the cubbard. The CUTE plate was a gift from my pastor & his wife this year. Thanks Pastor Wayne & Michelle!!
I have to say that as I sat in church Thursday night I knew there was no other place I should be. What better place is there to be on Christmas Eve? Thank you Jesus
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Cards
Clayton, Nita & Tyler Waugh
Clayton was our Youth Pastor at Calvary Hill Baptist Church. We didn't have a Pastor when we married (Nick was on the search committee) so Clayton, also our dear friend, married us. Later I was Tyler's babysitter from the time he was 3 months - 18 months old.
Jeff, Teri, Gabby & Adrianna (AKA B-Bop) Smith
Teri is one of Nick's baby sisters. Jeff's job moves them every year to different locations. They are currently in Australia, this picture is in New Zealand.
Brian, Sara, Savanna & Micah Calhoun
These two boys belong to an old friend of mine from my working days at Florida Oncology Associates. Victoria was in the insurance department & I was in human resources/payroll. A friendship formed which continued on even after we were both stay at home moms. We used to get together weekly when Trent (the older boy pictured) & Roman were just babies. Victoria probably even remembers Tyler (from above) because he was always there on our playdates. I miss these days but enjoy the days I'm in now too.
What do you do with the picture cards after Christmas? I feel weird thowing them away. This is what I do:
LOOK closely, you might see your family! Plus a few added extras to fill in the space. I didn't get as many picture cards this year so I'll have to make a smaller collage.
Christmas Card Ettiquite: My mom taught me to keep a list & check it twice. I use Excel to help me. Each year I have a list of cards I 'Sent' & 'Received'. I check off all cards going out & coming in. Cards received from people that are not on my list will get added & they will start receiving cards from us as well. If I get a card from someone new a few days before Christmas I usually do not send them one until the next year. Usually I will remove people if we're out of contact or if they have moved from our Sunday School class to another, but add them back on if we still receive a card from them. I'm not sure if this is 'proper' & I'd love to know what Martha Stewart has to say on the issue but the system works pretty good for me. Thanks Mom! (I use this same spreadsheet to list gifts received & thank you cards sent.)
Ecards for Christmas? NO WAY! Stick with the hard copies. I bought ours from Sam's Wholesale Warehouse this year and got them within a few days. I paid $15 for 100!! Rule of thumb; plan on having your cards ready to mail/hand out the weekend after Thanksgiving. The closer you get to Christmas the busier your schedule gets.
Raise your hand if you saw your picture on our 2008 collage!
Family Advent Devotion #3 (actually #4 but did #1 & #2 together)
I lit the Joy candle.
On Christmas we will light the Christ candle.
This is blurry but I like it because I caught Rocco praying.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Santa was at Regency!!
Monster Cookies
Can you smell them baking?
Aren't they beautiful? YUMMY too!